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All in one addon for Blender


What is BagaPie ?

BagaPie Modifier is an all in one and free addon for Blender.


It creates presets for scattering, architecture, hard surface, array random, groups, proxy, deformation, ...


It is accompanied by the paid extention BagaPie Assets which is fully integrated into BagaPie's workflow. For Blender 3.0 ONLY.


How it works ?

Select an object then press J. You can then choose a modifier in the pie menu (scatter, boolean, displace, ...).

The BagaPie panel (in the addons panel), display the modifiers present on the selected object. You can control the modifier visibility, apply or remove them. The various properties of the selected modifier appear below.


Note : This documentation is dedicated to BagaPie V5.
New version is available : HERE



Scattering based on Geometry Nodes

Creation : Select object(s) then the target and press J.

You can choose between:

  • Scatter : Scatter object(s) on the whole surface

  • Scatter Paint : Paint object on the surface

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can remove or change the visibility of the modifier. Currently only one Scatter modifier can be added at the same time. If you add another Scatter, the objects are added to the existing scatter.

The Effector modifier are assigned to the Scatter modifier.

Density : Low density is more performant (1 to 10)

If your object is verry small, you may have to highly increase the dentisy.

Note : For large areas do not use individual blades of grass, use clods of grass (30 to 80cm in diameter). It is better to instantiate an object of 10,000 poly 10,000 times than 1000 poly 100,000 times.

scatter paint.gif

Scatter Paint

Scattering based on Geometry Nodes

Creation : Select the objects for the scattering then a surface and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can remove or change the visibility of the modifier and modify its parameters. You can add as many Scatter Paint modifier as you want.

Shortcut : J

Note : The precision of painting is based on the density of vertices. Subdivide your area as needed.

Point Effector

Influence Scatter particles scale by proximity

Creation : Select the objects which will serve as an effector then a surface which contains the Scatter modifier which will be affected and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can remove the modifier and modify its parameters. Visibility is related to the Scatter modifier. It influences the scale of the particle.

Shortcut : J

Note : Scatter Paint isn't affected by Effector.

node tree scatter.gif

Camera Culling

For Blender 3.0 : Now it use node group for beter customization.

Note : If you modify the node tree, the link between the tree and BagaPie may be broken.

Note : Although limited to one Scatter modifier, you can use the dedicated Scatter Paint tools to instantiate particles over an entire surface.

Note : The verical frames contain the groups of nodes for the Scatter Paint and the horizontal frames contain the Effectors.

Note : Thanks for reading the documentation ! 
Here is a "secret" code to get BagaPie Assets with 20$ discount : bagapiedoc


Boolean based on Modifier

Creation : Select an object and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can apply, remove or change the visibility of the modifier and modify its parameters. When drawing a shape, press Ctrl to activate snapping or Alt to extrude from the center of the volume.

Shortcut : J

Note : By default, it uses Exact mode. If you have slowdowns switch to Fast mode.

Note : The Boolean uses the Add Object tool, you can change the shape. If you do not use the exit button, it may remain active when you return to Edit Mode.

Note : The mirror parameter uses the object's origin by default.

Note : If you use this modifier on meshes that contains Array or Scatter, hide them first and switch Boolean to Fast mode.

array random.gif

Random Array

Array based on Geometry Nodes

Creation : Select the objects for the array, press J and choose the type of array (Line, Grid, Circle or Curve).

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can apply, remove or change the visibility of the modifier and modify its parameters.

Shortcut : J

Note : This modifier creates a second object unlike the classic array modifier.

BagaPie Assets allow you to draw assets directly in your scene with Array Curve :

(Temporary demo, tutorial in progress.)


Create object group and instances

Creation : Select the objects to group and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) or in the BagaPie (J) you can edit, delete or change the group to an instance. You can duplicate the group by selecting its bounding box and pressing Alt + J (or Alt + N for duplicate linked).

Shortcuts : J / Alt+J / Alt+N

Note : If the selected objects have a parent, the parent must be selected for them to be taken into account.

Note : Once the group has been created the group's objects are no longer selectable, use Edit Group to make them selectable again.

Note : Thanks for reading the documentation ! Here is a "secret" code to get BagaPie Assets with 20$ discount : bagapiedoc

group hd.gif


Wall with modifier

Creation : Select an object and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can apply, remove or change the visibility of the modifier and modify its parameters.

Shortcut : J

Note : This modification changes the edges to a wall, so use appropriate meshes.

Note : In Blender 3.0 a new type of wall is present: Basic Brick Wall.


Window with modifier

Creation : Select an object and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can apply, remove or change the visibility of the modifier and modify its parameters.

Shortcut : J

Note : The volume you draw must be the same thickness as the wall to function properly.



Displace with modifier

Creation : Select an object and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can apply, remove or change the visibility of the modifier, modify its parameters and the type of texture.

Shortcut : J

Note : Depending on the texture used, some parameters (scale, brightness, and ramp) may not be available.

Auto Array on Curve

Array with curve deform

Creation : Select the objects then the curve and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel), by selecting the array you can apply, remove or change the visibility of the modifier and modify its parameters.

Shortcut : J

Note : This modifier applies rotation and scale. It also resets the radius of the curve.

Note : By default this modifier uses the X axis, you can change it if needed.

Note : This modifier add deformation, if you don't want deformations, use the Array Curve.

auto curve.gif

Ivy Generator

Displace with modifier

Creation : Select target, set 3d Cursor and press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel) you can apply, remove or change the visibility of the modifier, modify its parameters, add new ivy and add/remove target.

Shortcut : J

Note : If you add ivy with a pie menu, a new ivy system is generated. If you use the N panel, it's an extension of the existing one.

(Temporary demo, tutorial in progress.)

Displace Instance

Array with curve deform

Creation : Select object, it must have instances (Array or Scatter) then press J.

Utilization : In the N-panel (addon panel), by selecting the array you can remove or change the visibility of the modifier and modify its parameters.

Shortcut : J

Note : You can't convert it to mesh

displace instances.gif

Click Snapped Instances

Displace with modifier

Creation : Select assets, select target and press J.

Utilization : Click on surface to add instances. Instances are added only on top of objects.

Press Ecsape to stop clicking.

Shortcut : J

Note : This tool ignores snapping on instances (incompatible with Array).

Note : Thanks for reading the documentation ! Here is a "secret" code to get BagaPie Assets with 20$ discount : bagapiedoc

(Temporary demo, tutorial in progress.)

Need help or report a bug ?


Hi ! l'm Antoine Bagattini, the creator of BagaPie.

Many thanks to everyone who supports the development of this addon.

Also, many thanks to Franck Demongin and Clovis Flayols for his help !


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Hi ! l'm Antoine Bagattini, the creator of BagaPie.

Many thanks to everyone who supports the development of this addon.

Created by Antoine Bagattini, Laura Mercadal and Théo Chevret​

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